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Start using Tableau

To start using tableau you will need to apply to tableau plugin and configure it for your project. This short guide will help you set up your project.

To set up a basic Tableau environment follow the following steps:

  1. Apply the Tableau bootstrap plugin to your settings.gradle-file.
  2. Configure the Tableau plugin in each project to your needs.

If that all goes a bit fast for you, don't worry, we will guide you through the process step by step.

Applying the Bootstrap Module

There are going to be two ways to apply the Tableau bootstrap plugin, through the plugin portal, and through the Tableau Maven repository.

Using the Gradle Plugin Portal

To apply the Tableau bootstrap plugin to your project, you can use the Gradle Plugin Portal. You need to apply the plugin to the settings of your project, which you can do as follows:

plugins {
// Replace the version with the latest version,
// which you can find here:
id 'com.ldtteam.tableau' version '1.0.0'

Using the Tableau Maven Repository

If you want to use the Tableau Maven repository, you need to add the repository to your settings.gradle file, and then apply the plugin. You can do this as follows:

pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ""

plugins {
// Replace the version with the latest version,
// which you can find here:
id 'com.ldtteam.tableau' version '1.0.0'

The Tableau maven is a virtual repository that contains all the Tableau modules, as well as their dependencies and transitive dependencies. This means to develop a mod using Tableau and its modules for plugins you only need to add the Tableau Maven repository to your project.

All modules in Tableau that add a dependency to your projects, will add the relevant repositories to your project automatically, so this is likely the only repository you will need to add.

Configuring the basics

To get started you will need to tell Tableau about the mod in your project. To do this, you need to add the following to your build file:

tableau {
mod {
// Mod information
modid = 'modid' // Use your own modid here.
group = 'com.example' // Use your own group here.
minecraftVersion = '1.21.3' // Or any other minecraft version.
publisher = 'SomePublisher' // Use your own name here.
url = '' // Use your own URL here.

This configures the minecraft version against you want to compile your mod, the mod-id, the publisher, and the URL of the mod. With this configuration the system will set up a NeoGradle workspace using the latest available NeoForge version for the specified Minecraft version. It also will provide basic interpolation of this information for your mods.toml file, and other resources.

This is the basic setup for a Tableau project, and you can now start configuring your project further using the Tableau DSL. See the relevant guides of the modules you want to use for more information on how to configure them.

Happy modding!