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Translate with Crowdin

Crowdin is a localization management platform that helps you translate your content into multiple languages. It provides a user-friendly interface for translators and project managers to work together on translations. This example configures a Tableau project to use crowding for translations:

tableau {
mod {
// Mod information
modid = 'modid' // Use your own modid here.
group = 'com.example' // Use your own group here.
minecraftVersion = '1.21.3' // Or any other minecraft version.
publisher = 'SomePublisher' // Use your own name here.
url = '' // Use your own URL here.

crowdin {
projectId = 123455
onlyUploadOnBranchMatching = "main"
onlyBuildOnBranchMatching = "main"
exportApprovedOnly = true
skipUntranslatedFiles = true
skipUntranslatedEntries = true

You can find a full example of this project configuration in the Crowdin Example on GitHub.