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Generating NeoForge metadata

When you build a mod, the neoforge metadata file is needed to ensure it is loaded properly by the mod loader. Tableau has a module that will generate this file for you, and configure other modules based on this information.

Configuring metadata

tableau {
mod {
// Mod information
modId = 'modid' // Use your own modid here.
group = 'com.example' // Use your own group here.
minecraftVersion = '1.21.3' // Or any other minecraft version.
publisher = 'SomePublisher' // Use your own name here.
url = '' // Use your own URL here.

sourceSets {
main {
metadata {
license = "GNU"
loaderVersion = "1.2.3"

mods {
modid {
description = "The amazing example mod"
displayName = "Example Mod"

dependencies {
required 'com.ldtteam:domumornamentum:[123,)]'

You can find a full example of this project configuration in the Shadowing Example on GitHub.